We toured our Skyview project Wednesday morning, and absolutely loved seeing this space in its raw form. Months of demolition and the careful removing of debris down the small elevator are nearly over…and wow! It is much easier now to picture the luxurious modern finished interior that will come to fruition via our design collaboration with McHenry Shaffer Architects. We will have to share “before photos” so you can see a bit of the ornate character that filled the space. Walls that covered windows were removed and here we are! There is only a bit of floor leveler to be poured. This lower floor will house the master and guest suites, office, fitness and a central spline for displaying artwork.
Lisa shows us where a built-in sleeper sofa with two arm wall sconces can go in the future fitness room…can’t you picture it?
Our job site shoes are not the same as the contractors. But at least we stopped wearing a stiletto heel.
The curved stair…will it stay or go? Stay tuned to find out.
This “sunken” living room will be superb…
There are “hidden doors” that lead to new worlds…aka…an emergency staircase that goes 11 floors to ground level.
A view to both levels…
You can nearly see Joplin…
The rooftop kitchen will be the last to be demo’ed after the winter weather passes…
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your weekend!
Fantastic space!! Can’t wait to track the progress…
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